Consolidating policy and key management simplifies administration to reduce the risk of errors and blind spots, while also freeing time for personnel to tackle other tasks. If you want to decompress it from your app/script there are 2 possible ways.
This is not standard zip archive so none of free zip software/libraries can extract it.
The Kv rating is the ratio of the motor's unloaded rpm to the peak voltage on the. The file you are trying to decompress was compressed using commercial software PKWARE SecureZip. PKWAREs easy-to-use security armors data itself and eliminates vulnerabilities wherever data is used, shared or stored. Thales KeySecure encryption and key management appliance secures and centralizes the administration of Smartcrypt’s keys and certificates. When 1V is applied with no load attached to the motor, the number of revolutions per minute is how it is measured. What is PKWARE PKWARE protects the worlds data with Smart Encryption software and solutions. As a bonus, the ability to compress data reduces strains on bandwidth and allows customers to derive greater return on storage investments.

Also, different files can be encrypted, using different keys to more specifically control access. In any of its deployment scenarios, end-users see no change to their experience while organizations escape needing significant changes to their underlying infrastructure. The method of controlling who has access to the file is based on the distribution and sharing of the key used to encrypt the file. Smartcrypt for z/OS is flexible customers can embed encryption directly into their applications, or secure mainframe databases with field-level, length-preserving encryption. File Extension SZP has only one distinct file type (SecureZIP Policy Data format) and is mostly associated with a single related software program from PKWare (SecureZIP). PKWARE Smartcrypt Platform for z/OS offers organizations a mainframe encryption solution to secure their sensitive data.